An analytics community.
Featuring women. For everyone.

Our mission is to increase visibility to the women making an impact in the analytics space and provide a platform for women to lead the conversations around the advancements of analytical research, development, and applications. WIA aims to be an extremely inclusive organization and we welcome anyone to join the community!

Our Company Sponsors

AWS Amazon Web Services
Burtch Works
Collective Health
Pathfinder Product
Strive Consulting
Trust Insights
AWS Amazon Web Services
Burtch Works
Collective Health
Pathfinder Product
Strive Consulting
Trust Insights
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Become a part of our community of over 7,000 data enthusiasts to share your work, learn new concepts and skills, network with experts in the data & analytics industry, and so much more!

  • Gain access to interest groups where you can connect with and learn from others with your same interests and goals.
  • Join the WIA Career Advocacy collection where you can find available data and analytics jobs, upcoming call for papers, subscribe to our weekly job board newsletter, and more!
  • Stay in the loop on our curated list of upcoming events, both virtual and in-person, or share your own!

Introducing the WIA SPeaker's Bureau

Find the perfect fit for your next event.

Whether you're planning a conference, workshop, or corporate event, the WIA Speaker's Bureau connects you with industry leaders who can provide valuable insights, cutting-edge knowledge, and inspiring presentations tailored to your audience. Our speakers are seasoned experts who can engage and educate on the latest trends, tools, and best practices in data and analytics. Our Speaker’s Bureau features top-tier professionals who have demonstrated exceptional expertise and thought leadership across a broad spectrum of domains, including: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Business Solutions, Data Analytics, Data Leadership and Strategy, Data Science, Generative AI (GenAI), Programming, and more!

Learn more

Join experts from around the world at the 2025 DataConnect Conference

The DataConnect Conference covers all the topics that touch data – data science, analytics, data management and AI – while connecting with leaders in the global data community.

Why our members love this community

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“I wanted to report that I was offered and accepted a role on Friday. This was ultimately a huge goal of mine that [we] have been working towards but I was not in a huge rush and wanted to land at a company I felt good about. I have found working with [my mentor] these past few months have been incredibly helpful as well as being a part of the women in analytics community. Thanks for providing these opportunities.”

“I am so grateful this community exists to lift up under-represented voices in the analytics community.”

“The WIA team and community offers such a unique opportunity to stay connected and grow both personally and professionally."

“WIA provides constant opportunities to learn and grow! Through the annual conference, the virtual summit, workshops, and webinars, WIA offers countless ways to stay on top of trends and learn from leaders in the space. The community is a great way to meet like-minded individuals and have a reliable place to find opportunities, get advice and express your general enthusiasm for all things data and analytics.”

“The community aspect is huge to me. There's not many in the data and analytics space so knowing I belong to a community, albeit online, makes me feel I have someone that has my back.”

“I'm excited to be a part of the WIA community for many reasons, but one in particular is the people I've met and continue to learn from. With such a depth of resources made available - webinars, workshops, networking and speaking opportunities, and mentorship programs to name a few - this is such a valuable community to be involved in.”

“WIA's mission is what led me to the community but the support, interest and passion from all the members is what has kept me around. I have found a place where I can grow, learn and develop as an analytics leader with individuals across industry and specialties. Everything about that excites me.”

“I've met tons of amazing people as a part of the WIA team and community. I'm always excited to learn more about what they're doing. WIA is such an inclusive group with people from all over the world in tons of different fields.”

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