Find the right speaker for your next event.

Our Speaker’s Bureau features top-tier professionals who have presented at the DataConnect Conference, showcasing their expertise and thought leadership across a variety of domains including AI, business solutions, data analytics, data leadership and strategy, data science, generative AI (GenAI), programming, and more.

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Why Choose WIA Speakers?

Expertise Across Diverse Domains

Our speakers are seasoned experts with years of experience in their respective fields. Whether you need insights on the latest AI advancements, strategic data leadership, or cutting-edge programming techniques, we have the right speaker to elevate your event.

Proven Track Record

Every speaker in our database has demonstrated their skillset at the DataConnect Conference, one of the industry's most prestigious events. This ensures that they are not only knowledgeable but also adept at engaging with diverse audiences.

Professional Development and Coaching

A significant portion of our speakers have completed comprehensive speaker coaching programs. This investment in their professional development ensures that they deliver their insights with clarity, confidence, and impact.

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How to Book a Speaker

Interested in bringing a Women in Analytics speaker to your next event? Requesting access to our list of distinguished speakers is simple:

  • Reach Out: Contact our team via email at
  • Discuss Your Needs: Share details about your event, audience, and the topics you're interested in.
  • Select Your Speaker: We'll provide you with a curated list of speakers that match your criteria and you’ll be able to browse our speakers list.
  • Finalize the Details: Work with us to coordinate logistics and ensure a seamless experience.

At WIA, we are committed to advancing the role of women in analytics by connecting world-class speakers with organizations that value innovation, diversity, and excellence. Let's work together to make your next event unforgettable. For more information or to start the booking process, please contact us at

Why our speakers love this community

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“Getting the opportunity to speak at a conference like this and the overwhelmingly positive response to our talk made me so excited to continue doing this in the future!”

“The prep was so helpful - it forced me to think about my story and talk track way in advance of the conference so by the time it came to present, I felt extremely prepared and proud of what I was going to talk about. It was also very validating afterwards to talk to so many attendees who approached me afterwards wanting to learn more or to just express gratitude for the talk.”

“[DataConnect] was probably the largest live audience I have spoken in front of in person and I was blown away! Great engagement and wonderful experience overall.”

"Speaking at DataConnect helped me see my speaking style better from the PoV of data science practitioners, especially female practitioners. This was a tremendous opportunity for me as an academic who often speaks to male dominated cyberinfrastructure audiences or male dominated academic audiences. The examples of other female speakers at DataConnect was instructive and inspiring. If I do it again in future years at data connect, I'd take advantage of the WIA speaker coach too."

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